Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Mel

14 things to accomplish in 2014

Cook one new recipe each week
Read a book per week
Walk the beach at least twice a month
Drink tea or water every time I think I want a diet coke
Learn Spanish
Go to at least 4 concerts
Watch the sunrise once a month
Make my own wine
Visit the top of the Empire State Building
Run a color run
Floss daily
Pay off a credit card
Tell people how much I care for/appreciate them whenever I think it
Eat chocolate once a day, because why not? Life’s too short

Today: I flossed! I can't wait for my next appointment when I no longer have to lie to my dentist. I then promptly ate a handful of M&M's, followed later in the day by two Lindt chocolate truffles. I like to keep some goals attainable, you feel me?

I also made this week's new recipe, taken from the Hungry Girl cookbook my mom gave me at Christmas. It's called Fancy-Schmancy Oatmeal and involves pumpkin, maple syrup and cinnamon. Needless to say, it was delicious and I will definitely be adding this into my breakfast rotation. Easy to make, and even Wyatt loved it!

Yesterday I bought tickets to see Trigger Hippy next week at the Port City Music Hall. I am indescribably pumped about this show because:
a. I have never even heard of this band until yesterday - novelty is good!  
2. I've never been inside the Port City Music Hall.
d. It will give me an excuse to dance in public.
Now I know it may be a little odd to buy tickets to a band one has never heard of, but I've seen one of the member's perform solo before, and one watch of this YouTube video was enough twisting of my arm to buy tickets.

(Day 20 no diet coke) 
